Wednesday, September 5, 2012

#1: Just getting started

Template: I chose this specific template because I like when web pages are straight forward and simple to understand. It doesn't have any pictures, animations, or crazy fonts which would distract you, as a reader. I also enjoy the format of my blog because it's easy on the eyes and all of the tabs for separate pages are listed neatly across the top. I want you to be able to come to my blog, read what you are interested in and not be distracted by unnecessary affects.

Title: The title "Entertainment for the Average Person" fits my blog because I am not only here to get a project done, but to entertain you so you enjoy coming to my page. I addressed my audience as "average" to emphasize that it is for anyone. 

Color: My blog is brown (I know, very boring) but even though I love colorful things I thought it would be best for my blog to be a neutral color. I don't want you to come to my blog because it's "pretty"; I want the words to be the color on the page and the reason that you're here. 

Font: The font is very plain and simple (sensing a theme here?). When the font is crazy and hard to read, it becomes distracting and frustrating and then you'd lose sight of the material I want you to read. So this is it! Just a normal font. 

Pages: I only created an About Me page because I feel it is necessary for you to know who's writing to you! The pages are easily accessible and neatly aligned across the top of the page. Blogs get confusing when too much is listed on the same page and then it becomes hard to focus on the actual material, so I made it simple!

I believe my blog characterizes me well because I seem simple on the outside but once I start talking I am very outgoing and humorous. I characterized my blog similarly in the way that it is very neutral and simple but the text within it contains the entertainment and the "color" of the blog.

Overall, this is just another simple average blog but I hope you find yourself coming back for more.

1 comment:

  1. I like the birds and the font you chose. Looks like an old-fashioned typewriter!
