About me

Hey! My name is Tara Youssefi and I'm a freshman at Penn State University. I've lived in Gaithersburg, Maryland my entire life (other than now) and I'm an only child! I have been singing and dancing since I was 4 years old and have been in dozens of performances. 

In my free time I do photography, watch television, or eat food. My favorite food is a hot dog...many people think it doesn't count but it does to me. I love dark chocolate more than anything and I have to have it at least once a day. I've never been to a gym and I've never been on a sports team. I have a phobia of throw up (yes it has a name; emetophobia) and I'm claustrophobic as well. My favorite show is Spongebob but I'm also obsessed with LOST; in my opinion LOST is the best show that has ever birthed on television.I love comedies but I also love scary movies even though I have nightmares from them constantly...but it's worth it. My favorite celebrity is ADELE but other than her I don't pay attention to the world and lives of big shot celebrities.

I'm a very friendly person, very outgoing, and a great listener; my friends always come to me for advice. I will talk for hours to people I barely know and I'm not afraid to be who I really am. People tell me I have a great sense of humor and I'm fun to hang out with, but I guess you'll just have to see for yourself! 

I'll do my best to make this blog fun and entertaining but if you have any questions or concerns don't be shy!


  1. Dark chocolate rules. That is all.

    1. I completely agree. Milk chocolate doesn't even come close.

  2. TARA! You love LOST too?? I met Michael Emerson (the actor who plays Ben) on my plane when I was going to San Diego, CA. It was the same exact time as Comic Con so I think thats where he was going! He was in first class and he was really dressed up in this strange tan suit and a straw hat haha. When we landed in CA I went over to him and told him how I was a huge fan of his work, he seemed very surprised that I knew wh he was! It was funny because he was getting his own bags from baggage claim...and they were bright red! haha okay just thought you would like to know ! I love LOST too!

    1. OMG are you serious?? I absolutely love that show. Last summer my friend showed it to me and I watched every single episode on Netflix in a little over a month. It's incredible. I AM SO JEALOUS THAT YOU MET HIM! I hate him in the show but he plays the character really well haha. That's actually amazing. It's weird though because everyone I talk to about LOST says that they used to love it and then they got too confused but I think it's amazing the whole way through.
